Youth Footballers Hub
welcome to the cornwall fa YOUTH FOOTBALLERS HUB...
On this page you'll be able to find lots of information to help you continue enjoying yourself both on and off the pitch.
Claire Summers-Evans
Designated Safeguarding and Governance Officer
By Phone: 01208 262989 or 07533 953351 (Monday to Friday 9-5pm
Know your rights
Are you a 16 or 17 year old playing in either Open Aged Football or in an U18’s league? Do you know your rights?
At Cornwall FA safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do, that’s why its important for us that you Understand your Rights, click on the button below to find out more.
Know Your RightsVoice of the child survey
Cornwall FA would like to invite all U18 youth players in Cornwall to fill out the following survey to help us gain your thoughts on football within Cornwall.
Sin Bins in Youth Football
Do you know what could land you with a sin bin? Click the link below to understand what is dissent and the behaviours to avoid.
Sin Bins in Youth FootballRepsect - We only do positive
Promote the Positive, Report the Unacceptable
Football is more enjoyable when the environment is positive and a happy footballer makes a good footballer.
Let us know the positives but also the unacceptable so we can continue to make football safe and enjoyable for everyone in Cornwall.
Help and Support
We understand that being a teenager can be tough, the pressure of social media and looking a certain way, puberty and emotions, bullying and exam pressure are just some of the pressures you might face, just know that you are not alone, so if you are struggling have a look at the support available to you below.
Mental Health support
Everyone loves to feel happy and fulfilled but sometimes the worries of the world can make you feel down. If you're feeling worried or down, there's support available to get you back on track.
ARA Gambling Toolkit
If you or someone you know needs help with gambling, Ara is here to help.
Anti-Bullying Poster Designed by Chelsea, aged 15
Get In Touch
(Designated Safeguarding Officer)
By Phone: 01208 262989
07533 953351
By Email:
have a watch to learn more...
Did you know that every youth football club MUST have a club welfare officer; do you know who your club’s Welfare Officer is?
Ask your football coach or a parent as they are fully trained and ready to support you with any problems you may have during your time at the club.