Coin toss

The FA Referee Course



The FA Referee Course is designed to equip new referees with the key skills and knowledge they will need to be able to referee grassroots football matches safely and effectively.  It is for people aged 14 and over who want to referee mini soccer, 9 v 9 and/or 11 v 11 football.  

The course comprises online learning on the Laws of the Game and face to face training. You must complete the online learning before attending the face to face training. You will also need to complete online safeguarding training before attending the face to face training.

Course Overview

Minimum age: 14

Course length: 21 hours

Price: Check individual courses



Referee Course Option 1

Venue: St Day AFC, Vogue Terrace, Vogue, St Day, Redruth TR16 5NQ

When: Monday 1st July 2024 – 6pm-9pm & Sunday 7th July 2024 – 9am-5pm


Price: £120 - (Includes all training modules, Referee Starter Pack and 1st Season Referee Registration)


Referee Course Option 2

Venue: Nanpean Rovers AFC, Victoria Bottoms/Fore St, Saint Austell, PL26 7YE

When: Monday 8th July 2024 – 6pm-9pm & Sunday 14th July 2024 – 9am-5pm


Price: £120 - (Includes all training modules, Referee Starter Pack and 1st Season Referee Registration)


Online Learning

The online learning has five sections (modules) and will take approximately 90 minutes to complete. There are lots of videos to demonstrate how the Laws should be applied, activities to help reinforce the important points and, at the end of each module, there are some questions to test what you’ve learned.

The online learning can be accessed here.

If you are under the age of 16, you might find the information at the refereeing help centre useful when logging in.


Online Modules

Module 1 – Before the Match
This module covers the referee’s pre-match responsibilities and includes ensuring players’ kit is safe, how to carry out the coin toss and what a referee needs to take to a match with them.

Module 2 – Signals and Communication
This module contains short video clips (GIFs) which show every signal the referee and assistant referee might give during a match.

Module 3 – ‘Getting it Right’
This module deals with foul challenges, violent conduct, handball, unsporting behaviour, DOGSO offences and advantage. It uses video clips from football at different levels to show how the referee should manage common scenarios.

Module 4 – Offside
This module also uses video clips, this time to demonstrate what is and isn’t offside and how the referee should manage offside offences. The clips, like those used in the ‘Getting it Right’ module, are voiced over to explain the decisions the referees make.

Module 5 – Managing Restarts and Set-Pieces

This module covers restarts and set-pieces, including goal kicks, corner kicks, throw-ins, free kicks and penalty kicks. It uses both video and illustrations to clarify what players must do at each restart and set-piece and explains what the referee should do if players don’t comply with the Law.

Face to Face Training

There are 11 hours of face to face training (normally one evening, followed by a full day), which mixes training room work with practical activity on a pitch. Key messages from the online learning are reinforced throughout.  The training room work includes:

• Fun, interactive quizzes
• How to establish rapport and build relationships with players and coaches
• Recognising and dealing with foul challenges and handball
• Managing offside
• Dealing with inappropriate behaviour 
• Managing players 

On the pitch, you will have the opportunity to turn your knowledge into skills through refereeing game based scenarios. You will practice:

• Communicating decisions
• Cautioning and sending off techniques
• Managing the kick off, free kicks, penalty kicks, corner kicks and throw-ins 
• Positioning in open play and at restarts
• Being an assistant referee

Qualifying as a Referee

To qualify as a referee, you must also referee five games after you have attended the face to face training. You will then receive your certificate and an FA Referee badge.

You be supported through those five games by your County Football Association (CFA). As you continue your refereeing career, you will then be able to access further training opportunities, both online and face to face.



The FA Referees Course provides participants with an insight to the laws of the game and their practical application on the field of play. It also looks at the skills required to be a referee.

Candidates should feel comfortable to referee a game of football at the completion of the course, with 75% of the course being in a practical environment.

Important Information

We adhere to a strict cancellation policy and by enrolling onto our course you agree to have read and agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions.