U18s Armband

U18 Referee Armbands

New initiative launched to protect young referees in Cornwall

Yellow Armband Initiative for U18s 

 Referees under the age of 18 can indicate their age by wearing a distinctive yellow armband. 

This initiative is a visual reminder, that players, team officials, parents and spectators should think twice before questioning every decision they make, verbally abusing or intimidating U18's referees. 

Claire Summers-Evans, Designated Safeguarding Officer at Cornwall FA, said: "These armbands will be distributed to those young people who officiate Youth and Open Aged games in Cornwall.  

“Abuse of referees is never acceptable, but it’s vital to highlight to coaches, players and spectators when their match official or assistant referee is still a minor and these fluorescent armbands along with our purple shirts for U18 referees will have a significant impact.”

We are very grateful to Team Grassroots and Utilita Energy for supplying us with over 200 armbands to support our U18 referees. 

Lee Swabey, Referee Development Officer at Cornwall FA said "These armbands, alongside our purple shirts, will continue to raise the awareness to the Cornwall football community of the importance of providing a safe, friendly, supportive environment for our young referees to develop their skills."


Cornish times article 

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