Become a Weetabix Wildcats provider today!
Are you looking to provide a fun way for girls 5-11 to get involved with football? Then look no further than Weetabix Wildcats.
What is Weetabix Wildcats?
Well, it’s non-competitive football for girls who want to give it a go for the very first time or want to play with other girls their own age. Most importantly, Weetabix Wildcats is all about having loads of fun and meeting new amazing friends.
Why Should I Become A Weetabix Wildcats Provider?
Weetabix Wildcats is a great opportunity to welcome new girls into the game, helping to develop the oppportunties for girls across the county. Wildcats provides support to start girls’ football at a younger age group, providing specific training to centre staff, on-going support, branded equipment and funding to get you started.
What Will I Receive?
To help deliver your Wildcats sessions you will receive:
- £900 of funding across a 2 year period
- Kit and equipment - Nike footballs, branded bibs, Wildcats banners
- Bespoke training to help you set up your sessions
- Promotional assets
- National promotion through the Find Football Search Engine & Weetabix Wildcats Boxes
- Access to the online Wildcats store
- Support from Cornwall FA
Who Is Eligible?
To find out if you're eligible to become a Weetabix Wildcats Provider, please download the guidance document below.
Weetabix Wildcats Application Guidance