Cornwall FA supports Rainbow Laces
Each and every one of us has a part to play in making football, a Game for All. And it starts with a simple act: put on your Rainbow Laces and start a conversation in your community about why you are supporting the Rainbow Laces campaign this year.
Cornwall FA are delighted to be working in partnership with the FA and Stonewall for this year’s Rainbow Laces Campaign. The Rainbow Laces Campaign will take place from Thursday 25th November until the 12th December. The 8th December will be this years landmark ‘wear your rainbow laces day’, where teams, leagues, businesses, schools and leading sports personalities all over the word will be getting together to wear their laces with pride.
Participation from your leagues, clubs and other organisations throughout the Rainbow Laces campaign shows support in your local community, and we hope you will show your support by engaging with the campaign throughout this period so that together, we can make football everyone’s game.
We encourage clubs and leagues to pledge their support to the campaign by clicking here or following the guidance in the FA Rainbow Laces Activation Pack as well as heading to the Stonewall website to buy rainbow laces.