Football Player on a 3G Pitch

Cornwall FA Lead Consortium To Bid For Active Through Football Funding

Active Through Football's ambition is to increase activity levels and create sustained behaviour change in a Place-based approach. £10 million of targeted revenue investment will be invested in up to 15 Places over the next five years, with an aim of increasing activity levels in people aged 16+ from lower socio-economic groups (LSEG).  If successful, Active Through Football will ensure that during a five-year delivery period, around £1million investment will be drawn down into Cornwall and invested into recreational opportunities across an identified area(s).

Cornwall was initially identified along with around 50 areas across the country by the Football Foundation as an area which was eligible to apply for the Active Through Football funding.  A consortium was quickly formed to tackle the bidding process which include Cornwall Football Association (lead organisation), Plymouth Argyle Community Trust, Active Cornwall, White Gold Cornwall and Street Games.  We are pleased to inform you, the consortia have been successful with stage one of the process, with the expression of interest application being successful.  We are now working on the full application and aim to submit in May 2021.

The aim of our funding bid although not fixed has been narrowed down to target individuals residing in the towns of Penzance and St Austell that fall within the 16-24 age range, and who are making negative lifestyle choices.  Such behaviours include engagement in crime and ASB, the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco and unhealthy dietary choices.  We will also focus on school leavers who are unemployed and have poor academic attainment. 

We are aiming to engage, consult and work in partnership with as many key organisations and partners across Cornwall to firstly ensure our application will be as robust as possible but to also operate in collaboration.  With your support and help, we can make an impact in an area(s) on individuals that have been identified with vigour data and opinions formed. 

To find out more information and further context to the national Active Through Football Programme, click here.


 Cornwall FA are after your support!

To support the application, we are asking for local people throughout Penzance and St Austell to help shape the programme by offering their thoughts and ideas of what's needed. 

If you would like to support Cornwall FA in shaping a sports programme aimed at 16-24 year olds that hits the needs of local people and their communities, please contact  Alternatively, Please complete the relevant questionnaire below. 

Young People who complete the questionnaire will also be entered in a prize draw to win 1 of 5 £25 Amazon vouchers.

Click here for the Active Through Football Questionnaire For Organisations

Click here for the Active Through Football Questionnaire For Young People