Girls Football Week kicking off this April
Girls’ Football Week is a fun filled week of activities designed to get as many girls involved in playing football. Whether girls play regularly or are lacing their boots for the first time, it is a great opportunity for everyone to get active, meet new friends and have fun. This national campaign is aimed at raising the profile of female football and supporting The FA's aim of doubling the number of women and girls playing the game by 2020!
Casey Stoney is a former England and Team GB captain who has won over 100 caps, she fell in love with the game the very first time she kicked a ball.
She said: “I’d encourage anyone to put on any session they can during Girls’ Football Week because you’re giving someone an opportunity to do something that could possibly change their life.
I remember going to my first summer tournament and it just sparked this desire and love for the game. It certainly changed my life.”
So what advice would Stoney give to anyone thinking about organising a Girls’ Football Week session?
“First and foremost you’ve got to make the session fun. Secondly, we all love a bit of competition so you have to make it competitive.
“It is absolutely crucial that you create sessions for everybody, regardless of ability levels. You don’t want a newcomer walking away from the game because they were unable to complete a certain drill.
“And lastly, and most importantly, you must make sure every child walks away with a smile on their face.”
This year Girls’ Football Week will run between 23-29 April.
The FA is calling upon organisations to host girls’ football activities during the week and give girls the opportunity to play the game we all love!
To get involved please register your activity at
Once registered you will receive digital promotional materials and a guide on how to deliver safe and fun activities. You will be sent a range of session plan ideas at the beginning of April.
If you have any questions, please e-mail