School Club Links
Establishing links between schools & clubs brings
School club links create opportunity in your community
Most communities do not know what clubs are in their area - so working with local schools is a great way to ensure that children and young people in your area know about opportunities to participate at your club.
School Club Links encourage young people to take part in sporting and physical activity. It allows youngsters to try out new sports and feel comfortable in a club setting, making them more likely to continue participating in sport once they leave school.
For a school looking to develop your community links, this is a great place to start!
Get In Touch
Chloe Harris
Football Development Officer (Women, Girls & Disability)
Phone: 01208 262986
Club Benefits
Local club looking for more players in your area? Learn more about the benefits of links with your local schools, including:
- Increased participation in the club
- Increased potential to recruit new volunteers
- Raised profile within the community
- Opening up club access to wider community
- Opportunity to share facilities and equipment
School Benefits
Local school looking to develop community links? Find out how links with your local club can inspire young people to get involved in sport, resulting in:
- More active and healthier pupils
- Raised profile within the community
- Increased funding opportunities
- Community Links – social benefits
- Pathways for sport – easy exit routes for children into on-going involvement
Youth Player Benefits
What do strong school club links mean for young players in your local area?
- Improved opportunities to access sport in the local community
- Opportunity for talent to be identified and nurtured
- Wider range of sporting opportunities
- Move easily between safe and familiar environment of school and club
- Understand how experiences in school and at the club complement each other