NEW Coaching Programme

Coach Education- Have your say!

We want your opinion on our Coach Education Programme for the 2017 period between January and June. We are looking for coaches and volunteers to...

We have now set up a number of 'Register your Interest' pages on our online booking site, these are for various courses and completing the tab will allow you to show your interest in a specific course including the location and month which is most convenient for you. The link to these pages is; REGISTER YOUR INTEREST

Collecting this information from coaches and volunteers is essential in assisting us to create the best possible Coach Education Programme for volunteers whom we know have very limited time to complete courses carefully balancing family, work and football commitments.

Along with these pages we also encourage coaches to email with the following details;


Club Working with:

Current football qualification:


We thank everyone in advance for taking the time to complete the above, if you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to get in touch on or 01208262985


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